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Holy Cross' Endowment: $492,679,761. Brother Can You Spare A Dime?

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So if the Jesuits take a vow of poverty what are they doing with $766 million in assets?

Heck, they even got $65 million in cash in the bank. Buys a whole lotta beer for their adolescent protégés. Or maybe buy a neighborhood for a playground where they can destroy the lives of hard working, god fearing, tax paying, voting townies.

Opps! Sorry bout that Wusta, but we're (HC) not responsible for their actions - they're off campus. Technicalities.

It's pretty hard to comprehend that a religious institution like HC would balk at forking over a measly couple hundred grand in PILOT when they pull in $130 million a year.

Just don't get it. I thought Catholic dogma was about helping one's fellow man. It does, but the folks in the Ivory Towers on College Hill don't subscribe to it. 

Lots of interesting stuff in their 990. Use the Foundations Center's search-able database to find other local non-profits.