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Don't Touch My Junk! My Wife's Or My Kid's!

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Interesting controversy regarding the TSA eh?

Excuse my paranoia, but it seems to me that The Constitution is under attack by the very folks we elected to defend it?

Guess what? We're flying out of Logan tomorrow and the Will Family is locked and loaded i.e., we've got sandwiches, books, and the good ole U.S. Constitution in my back pocket. Oh, and a human rights lawyer on speed dial. So we're ready for whatever the TSA throws at us.

Okay Will Family show your game faces! We got a plan that'll mess with their heads -  dressing the ladies in Burkas (TSA policy: Muslims are a protected species - go figure) and I got a neat red Fez with a nifty tassle, sandels, and a pocket Koran. We're gonna stand our ground. So don't radioactivate me bro! And hands off our junk TSA pervs!

So if you hear about a family gettin hauled off to Sing Sing, then you know who they are.

Think the Pilgrims ever experienced government this bad? Even ole King James I wasn't this despotic.