We googled our esteemed councilors to see what they’re doing with online technology nowadays. Unsurprising results.
What’s the purpose of having a Social Media Platform if the city councilors themselves have no online presence to speak off and most likely no idea what it is.
It's common knowledge that our esteemed Councilors have little or no interest in connecting with the electorate. Except at election time of course. To qualify that statement we put together a list of councilors and their preferred medium:
- Clancy: paulclancy.org. Looks like one of his students put it together. C for effort.
- Eddy: Nothing! Surprised? Not me.
- Germain: Nada! Germain who?
- Haller: barbarahaller.com. Typical Haller BS. Could use a new wardrobe though.
- Lukes: mayorlukes.com. Has a Wikipage-that’s sumptin! Eat your heart out Mayor Joe.
- O’Brien: mayorjoeobrien.com, facebook.com/pages/Joe-OBrien/104969066236, twitter.com/MayorJoeOBrien. The propaganda machine is still pumping out. Does keep it up-to-date though.
- Palmieri: Nuttin! No surprise here. Doesn't shovel his sidewalk either.
- Petty: Zip! And who the heck is Joe Petty?
- Rushton: rickrushton.wordpress.com. Deleted the 2008 post about ShNaNa. Whew!
- Smith: joffsmith.com, facebook.com/joffreysmith?v=info. Run that clown outta town.
- Toomey: katetoomey.com, facebook.com/pages/Kate-Toomey/54163591471, twitter.com/katetoomey. Does a heap of ass kissing. Still hasn't gotten the hang of interfacing with the electorate. Need some ChapStick Councilor?
But wait! Councilors do have email and telephone availability that you pay for. Betcha they get tons of calls and emails. Yeah, so big deal. Proves nothing. Emails and calls are easy to ignore. No wonder the response rate is horrible. Ain't that right Councilor Joff?
Bottom line? How can those people make an informed decision on a SMP when they themselves haven't capitalized on the rudimentary social communication platforms?
This is Wusta after all!