Never figured out why Twitter got so much press - it's usefulness is questionable if not negligible.
But it sure does offer a glimpse into a Worcester City Councilor's mindset.
Look at the embarrassment it caused Councilor Toomey recently. The ole girl may be on the Vanguard of information technology, but she's certainly not at the Vanguard of smarts. An irate citizen can put a dent in a sanctimonious councilor's armor.
Imagine if all the Councilors had Twitter accounts for public business? I don't think the communication gap between citizen and councilor would be bridged. The gap is there for a reason. They just don't want to be bothered with your issues. Bigger fish to fry?
Undoubtedly the stuff Toomey posts on Twitter is worthless. So why do it? Keeps her name in front of the public's eyes. Maybe that ain't such a good idea as we recently saw. Then again. Maybe not. But what Kate doesn't know is that the overwhelming majority of voters ain't got a Twitter account. But maybe she's going after a niche group? Wusta's got lots of them. Oh, check her followers, not too many of them are twittering - months of gaps.
Look at her facebook page - its just plain dumb what she passes off as important. It seems to me she's just regurgitating the T&G. How creative!
Read the Wired article: Ever feel like you’re talking to a brick wall on Twitter? That might be because 71 percent of tweets get absolutely no response from the world.