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Egalitarianism In The Worcester Public Schools - No Local Should Strive Above Their Station

or, some things are better left unsaid.

“They’re skimming off our best students”. Darn those Charter Schools! It seems ole School Committee member Tracy Novick has an issue with Charters cause they're loosening the EAW's stranglehold on childrens' minds. 

Putting a recent T&G article (Teachers seek contract, September 17th) into context in which Tracy Novick was quoted. Seems the best students are bailing out of the WPS system to seek better educational opportunities at local Charter Schools. Nuttin wrong with that eh? Choice is a democratic concept that made America great right? So why is Tracy Novick publically whining about it?

Seems Tracy Novick inadvertently revealed the fact that something is seriously amiss in the WPS. So what’s amiss? Well, when those best students move out of the WPS it negatively impacts teacher and school evaluations, leaving behind a heap of under performing kids, teachers and schools. Not much of a return on your tax dollars I'd say considering those guys are highly trained and experienced teachers and administrators. Did I mention well paid?

So what’s wrong with parents taking advantage of charter schools? Considering the WPS has consistently failed at improving the quality of education because of the negative union influence, is it any wonder that the public perception is that the EAW Worcester expends far more effort arguing about their payroll and pensions instead of enhancing their ward’s educational progress. What's a parent to do? And as scary as the thought may be, those kids are our future municipal bureaucrats, councilors, and barflies.

Superintendent Boone in her September 22nd speech has conceded that the WPS needs serious tweaking. Surprisingly Boone is not making the argument that more precious taxpayer dollars is the panacea for the systems' ills, rather a dismantling of the system. The T&G article highlighted the fact that 2/3’rds of Worcester's schools need support in achieving minimal state and federal standards - see chart above. Hardly the picture (pun intended) the EAW and their school committee lackey, Tracy Novick, want the public to know especially before the upcoming salary war.

What interests me is why does Worcester School Committee member Tracy Novick have an issue with parents wanting to improve their kid’s lot in life instead of wallowing in the dregs of the EAW infested WPS system, and insinuate that Charter Schools are playing unfair in the recruiting of willing candidates? Novick obviously prefers the status quo that maintains the union grip on WPS policy - something akin to egalitarianism in the system - no local should strive above their station.

If you’ve seen Tracy Novick’s blog, you’ll have noticed she’s fond of expounding a philosophy that education is about babysitting kids while their parents work two jobs. Is that what we need the EAW for? Is that the extent of her advocacy? Well, then I suggest Tracy Novick oughta stop watching Oprah and cruising the internet all day and rethink her loyalties. It was after all the non union voters who elected her.

Do what's right for the kids, not the EAW, Tracy Novick.