Astonishingly no city councilor, i.e., Councilor Haller, the po-man's Great White Hope, or the flea bitten local activists squawked. Why ain't the Clarkies protesting in the streets for the working man? Oops, semester hasn't started. And where's Mayor Joe when the little folk need him? Oh I forgot, doing the unions' bidding.
Click on post header for full T&G article. Article excerpt, Worcester Regional Advisory Board is beginning an aggressive marketing campaign designed to entice college freshmen to take WRTA buses. The WRTA will be offering incoming freshmen a free student pass that will be good through the end of December. A four-month student pass, which typically costs $196, will be offered to freshmen for $100 for the second semester. Good deal without a doubt. But why screw the locals?
So there you have it, not only has the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 22 shown utter contempt for Wusta's working stiffs (the very folk unions pretend to identify with) by recently striking, now the WRTA has the audacity to subsidize ridership on the backs of poor folks - giving away passes to non-taxpaying and non-voting citizens - college students no less. Me thinks capitalism really ain't such a good thing folks.
Hey, think Mayor Joe rides the bus to work? Really freaking doubt it.