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Who Voodood Paulie's New Orleans Jazz n' Blues Festival? B.A. Event Promotions

So NOLA 2010 has come and gone and according to Event-Meister Paulie Collyer it was a success. Equivocally speaking of course. Define success dude? Just because a couple politicians showed up, that makes it a success? How about the locals? Call Paulie at 617-625-2140.

Ya think it finally sunk in with Paulie that the locals ain’t interested in NOLA? Darn tootin he did. Reeling from  disappointment it took Paulie 5 days to pull himself together to put up a post… It was a great music festival…but in the end I am not to [sic] sure that Woo is quite ready for a prime time festival that charges in the summer just yet... There you have Wusta – the proverbial towel has been thrown in.

Has another one bitten the dust? Not a very heartening statement from Paulie about his beloved Wusta. Strikes me funny, that with all that free publicity it turned out to be a dud? How freaking embarrassing. Did Paulie screw up? No, not really. Me thinks an outbreak of the Wusta apathy culled the party-goers.

Call me superstitious, but maybe Voodoo played a role? Funny thing, a day before the event I saw a couple of headless chickens in front of the fairground entrance. Or, or… just thinking here…maybe them imported shrimps had Voodoo on em? Lotta bad karma coming outta the Gulf ya know.

If you read the Teletubbie's (Paulie & Harry Tembenis aka Harry T) posts leading up to NOLA, they touted only the celebrity status of the event… lots of politicians folks! Me thinks NOLA really wasn’t intended to attract the cash carrying locals, rather a bunch of freeloading politicians looking for photo-ops. Its bad enough we gotta live with them, Paulie expects us to pay to see them? Seriously, who gives a shit if some sleazy politicians show up? If I was a paying customer I woulda asked for my money back.

Hey and did ya notice that pics of the local political Gods were noticeably absent this year? No Haller? No councilors. Um… another falling out perhaps? Or are Paulie’s ambitions perhaps bigger this year? Heck he lassoed himself a Lt. Governor, a Congressman, and a freaking Senator in one outing! Yippie kyo tyay! (pronounced: yi-pee kai-O tai-yay). That's why folks stayed away.

And the all important question is, did Paulie make money on NOLA? Nope! With three NOLAs under his belt and now publicly having doubts about its viability (and a noticeably thinner wallet too), I reckon that NOLA 2010 just may have been the last one folks. But hey, failure is nothing to be ashamed about right? The Phatman gave it the ole college try right? And like shit happens right? Somehow more in Wusta than elsewhere.

And I wonder if the NAA (National Autism Association) got a big fat check this year again? The Grand Teletubby, Harry T(embenis), is pretty mum about it. In fact, don’t recall seeing a word about it this year. Last year he wouldn’t shut-up - 2010 is a different story. So Hairy T, care to tell the good people of Wusta what the final tally was? Come on, we won’t laugh. We promise. Oh… that bad eh?

And what about all the local bloggers who got the word out on NOLA 2010? Funny thing, the local blogosphere was especially D_E_ A_ D. No buzz... no pulse... no nuttin! That's not surprising.

Wait, one guy did get the word out. Ole Bogus Bill Randell did a one-line endorsement on his blog a few days before. Hey, I wonder if he went? And what about that troupe of fanatical Paulie fans? How many of those guys went? Raise your hands guys. What? Zip! Well, so much for a tight knit local blogosphere. Instead of cheap lip service with a measly bounty on ole Will’s head, those tightwads should have given Paulie real support – the financial kind.

Whoa Will dudeo. You’re really pushing it with this one. Guests is guests, whether they paid or not. Them politicians attract folks like flies to shit - gives Worcester visibility. Who knows what they'll do for the city? What you're really missing is that NOLA is about cultural diversity – bringing folks from disparate lifestyles together to "celebrate their diversity". And yes, folks want to see and hear live music, even in the summer. Ya know, like dancing in the streets.

Okay, hear ya dude. Really? How stupid of me. Me thinks there was a wee bit too much political ass kissing (how repulsive) and too much urban core propaganda (how boring). Paulie should have just concentrated on selling tickets and smoozing with the locals instead turning this into a political circus. The fact is, those politicians don’t care an iota about Paulie’s success or failure, or even if the Village of Piedmont exists. All they want to know if the folks they’re glad-handing with are registered voters and how many Paulie’s event can deliver. Am I right, or am I right?

Listen folks, I’m not gonna kick the poor bastard while he’s down. I really feel for him. The guy puts his sweat, time, and money into this event only to get snubbed by an apathetic citizenry and his phony baloney bloggabuddies. Surely it’s dawned on him that trying to make money off the locals is a losing proposition. Look at downtown. Look around…

But I do have an idea. Lots of em in fact. Since I ain't a savvy business magnate like The Phatman, I’d say he oughta find himself a deep-pocketed business partner (Bill Randell?) to share the losses until he gets this thing right - if ever. Hey! How about doin it when more people are around. Like when the students are around – fleece em big time eh? Ask Bogus Bill, he knows how to do it. Or maybe if Paulie applies for some TARP dollars – he knows enough politicians.

Maybe what he really needs is divine intervention. After all, this is Wusta.