Then Paulie Collyer started posting threats and taunts on WW. I guess to scare me... ya like right. It wasn't even an issue about me exercising my free speech - nothing to do with hate speech or threats, just the innocuous sarcasm and satirical haranguing you've come to love and cherish - just for asking the guy to elaborate on his propaganda. Call Paulie at 617-625-2140.
So Paulie Collyer and his dimwitted cronies – Harry T (a weird sort of human species similar to a Teletubby, aka Harry Tembenis) and Bogus Bill scrutinized every post on WW over a weekend in July 2009 - logging some 40 hours - downloading and combing them for personal details. Betcha they searched city real estate records, voter records, doing drive-bys, calling strangers with cryptic inquires about Will. Real CIA stuff - Wusta style. Eventually Paulie consulted a lawyer. Hey lawyer, how do I nail that SOB? Sorry Mr. Client, ain't nuttin there. Sarcasm ain’t a crime. But make sure you have your house in order, he told Paulie Collyer.
Something interesting occurred last week after Signed, Anonymous - Part III - The Paulie Factor went up. Brendan Melican went on a comment rampage, posting all sorts of weird stuff, eventually culminating in a blogger meltdown - that's when one resorts to disgusting vulgarities. It reminds me of Harry T's October 2009 meltdown - man can that Greek dude swear. If only his mother knew. Anyway Brendan Melican logged some 13 hours under the guise of multiple proxies and Harry T sneaked in too - he's real easy to track - logging only 3 hours. What for? Oh, and Paulie Collyer made a couple guest appearances. Guess he was just supervising.
Fast backwards to July 2009. Now imagine this scenario. Paulie Collyer manages to locate Will, shows up at his door. What then? Piss on his bike? Kick his cats? Maybe a swift kick in the nuts - ouch! To be honest it’s an unlikely scenario. Let me say this, hell hath no fury like a woman's revenge. Imagine Mrs. Will kicking his chubby little ass all the way down Chandler St. to his stupid hood.
And wouldn't that have been quite a news story indeed huh? Big fat WOMAG headlines - Paulie Whoops Will’s Ass! - and a cover photo of Paulie grinnin away from behind bars. And a story dripping with sordid details of … of what actually? How Paulie blew a fuse - how Paulie always blows a fuse. And imagine if the T&G picked up the story? What sorta nasty comments would have been in store? Whatever the comments, it would have said a lot more about the locals than ole Will eh?
Do any of you recall Paulie’s manhunt targeting Big Asshole in June 2009? Afterwards BA put up: Collyer Bluff? ..."Not Paulie O'Coyle though. Criticize his views on urban development or debate his take on city sanitation and he's on his way to a nervous breakdown! Seriously, for the past 26+ hours the poor guy's been teamed up with his buddy and local Where's Waldo look-a-like Bill Ratdull scouring the internet for any and all information they can get on yours truly."
In fact if you read thru BA's stuff you'll see he's already touched on the anonymity issue. And what about Paulie’s raging rants against Crystal Anson and others on Worcesterite? In fact everywhere he blogged Paulie's busts his britches. Why? Cause folks had a opinion he didn't like and taunted him for being a pompous ass. Now Paulie Collyer doesn't blog with anyone anymore - not even with his ole bloggingbuddy Bill Randell. One might conclude that Paulie has a few anger management issues.
Ya know folks, Wusta really ain't so partial to others who see things differently eh? For all the talk of diversity and bloggerbuddyism around here, it simply ain't practiced. Its just a bunch of pompous fools deluding themselves into thinking they're important. Hey guys, that bounty thing - a brilliant idea. But $1,100 is rather measly. Let's up the ante - make it real interesting. Count me in for a $1.87.
So the moral of the story? Um... that’s why we have laws folks. To prevent hotheads like Paulie from stomping on other folks because they don’t like what’s written about them – even in jest. So then, seems my argument for online anonymity is clearly demonstrated right?
I personally wanna thank my Mom & Dad for being great parents. Made sure I stayed in school and told me that folks aren't always what they appear to be. Be careful out there they always said, lots of wackos. And they still ain't been on the internet.
And to the Constitution of the United States of America for having the foresight to protect its citizens from the rampant evils and despots in our diverse society.
God Bless America!