It always amazes me to think that Worcester with its 9 colleges and universities that it would have an intelligentsia - intellectual discourse etc.
Na... not here, this is Worcester after all.
It may come as a surprise to some that Rosalie Tirella, publisher of the anti-intellectual Incity Times, thinks she's a mature thinking person. Ahem.
Take this 2011 post in which Rosalie Tirella calls Tracy Novick (Worcester school committee) immature and racist. And for good measure targets Gary Rosen (ex-Worcester city councilor) as a racist because she alleges he disagrees with the WPS boss Melinda Boone's handling of issues. Nothing like free speech in Worcester eh?
Yes, the very same Rosalie Tirella (the one with the beady eyes and dark glasses and double chin; she looks like a criminal. Opps, she is, has a criminal record) who uses the Incity Times blog to attack the locals calling them pedophiles, perverts, drunks, whores and scum. And racists too.
How is it possible that Rosalie Tirella is so astute as to people's intentions and thoughts? Maybe it's the mind expanding drugs she consumes?
In any case, welcome to Wusta, home of the anti-intellectual intellectual Rosalie Tirella.