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No Slots, No Worcester

Local fringe folk Colin Novick, earthmother, tree hugger, deacon, poll volunteer (who, not surprisingly doesn't know MA voting laws from a hole on the wall) and co-chair of VoteNoSlots, the anti-gambling fringe group, is determined to profile himself in Worcester's newest controversy - slot parlors. One problem, he's spreading BS. But hey this is Worcester - always lots of that goin round.

Thinking here, not sure what VoteNoSlots' website is supposed to add to the slots debate. It's typical of socialist propaganda, devoid of public interaction and  full of misinformation etc. Um... guess it's their way or the highway.

One has the impression that Colin & Co. (all 14 of them) aren't open to publicly debating the issue on the site, rather linking obscure and outdated gobblygook about gambling. Democracy sure is sumptin when socialists embrace it.

One thing became readily apparent, the website had a certain smell. Yup, low and behold local fringe blogger Nicole Apostola has her fingers in it; mirroring her prize-winning blog - jumbled and incoherent. And unabashedly biased.

Interesting, VoteNoSlots doesn't state it's a PAC, it is soliciting money. A check of the The Massachusetts Office of Campaign & Political Finance doesn't show them as a registered PAC. So donors beware, smells like a scam.
The twitter and facebook pages are, as expected, rather unimpressive, in terms of sycophants that is. Its twitter page attracted a whopping 40 folks, its facebook page lured some 12 fringe folk, confirming that VoteNoSlots has problems attracting sycophants. 

Even reviled former city councilor Barbara Haller interjected herself into the fray, somehow thinking her reputation was enough to convince the less philosophic to the urgency of her social mission. Well, lots of good that'll do VoteNoSlots, about as much as local blogslug Q, aka Steven Quist, will have on the pro-slots contingent.

Oh, wonder what package store CEO Bill Randell has to say. He's back from his Jetblue hiatus, Bill is now more than ever determined to polish his reputation. So a guy who peddles alcohol to Worcester's disenfranchised has a unique perspective - there's lottery tickets, so why not slots. Sounds alright.

No post would be complete with a reference to local wackjob Rosalie Tirella. Her take is uniquely unique - incoherent. As usual. How painful to watch an old woman make an ass outta herself.

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