By now we all know that Bill "The Beer Man" Randell is cheerleading the hopeful arrival of JetBlue to Worcester.
Even repackaged a dead blog to ..., well folks aren't clear what the blog is for. Is it really about Bill Randell or JetBlue? Or all things airports.
Any ho, last week Bloomberg reported that Worcester airport is losing its FAA managed control tower. That means: No tower = No JetBlue.
Bill Randell still hasn't mentioned the news on his blog. Wonder why? In any case, that pretty much puts a monkey wrench in his cheerleading and it looks like it's back to blogging inanities with the rest of the locals.
Thinking back, this is the very same guy who banked it all on DirectAir, blogged non-stop stupid
stuff about the company... Direct Air will save Wusta from ignominy and turn it into an economic engine. But Direct Air went bankrupt. Bill Randell even wagered his own money on a Direct Air prepaid tickets plan. And lost it. Forget what Bill Randell has to say, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Bill Randell's judgment is questionable at best, so to tout himself even as a non-expert on airlines or airports is rather dubious. Remember Bill's in the business of selling beer, flipping properties, and milking section 8. He knows nothing about airlines or the industry. The ORH blog is a silly attempt to give him name recognition when he takes up his calling in politics. May God help us when that day comes.
Keep in mind, except for politicians, the taxpaying locals have no desire to see ORH become a sinkhole for millions of their tax dollars. Politicians have no qualms about spending your money, if it fails they take no responsibility. The taxpayers take the hit. And then watch as the next group of politicians throw good money after bad.
Welcome to Wusta!