What downtown? Empty store fronts along Main St. As far a the eye can see.
Take a look at the pictures. Main St. looks horrible. Counted exactly 7 locations where one could perhaps buy a Christmas gift - Hallmark Store, Elwood Adams, The Money Stop, Owl Shop, then a couple jewelry stores and a clothing store. The Greendale Mall ain’t exactly a retail heaven either. So welcome to Wusta!
Look at Southbridge St., left and right, of the Hanover Theatre, empty store fronts going on several years now. And the city wants you to believe the Hanover is an economic engine for downtown. (See T&G: Collaboration moves downtown forward). The Hanover's been up-and-running for 4+ years and it's still not economically viable. Ask yourself this, why do they need a capital campaign if its so successful? Cashflow is obviously anemic. Can't finace capital projects from their internal cashflow? Poor management or poor attendance?
With all the Christmas cheer coming outta city hall you'd think Wusta is on an economic roll. It ain't. The pics tell a different story. Barren. Dead. Dead as a door nail. As quiet as a church mouse.
Some 15 years ago Wusta actually had a downtown where one could shop, although The Galleria was on its last leg, the locals still patronized the few businesses. Today downtown Wusta is a transfer station for the WRTA.
Obviously someone is to blame. The city council perhaps? That's where the buck stops. We elected them to get things rolling; should have known they'd get bogged-down in petty issues.
We can start the finger pointing with Councilor Rick Rushton, who as chair of the economic something-or-other committee, he’s the guy who’s supposed to sell Wusta. Or give it away, depending on your particular view on business development.
Well, here we are, December 2012. Christmas is 3 weeks away and Santa ain’t nowhere in sight. Some 50 economic development projects on the drawing board, but none to develop downtown retailing.
So, good work Councilor Rick, after 9 years on the city council and the only thing he came up with to boost Wusta’s profile was the Food Truck Festival. Geez...
Welcome to Wusta.