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Worcester, Meet Your Neighbors

Leave it up to the good people of Worcester to vilify and demonize each other. It's not personal. It’s all in the name of democracy. 

Activate Worcester activist Bonnie Johnson took some punches from some of Wusta's fringe freaks aka activists, accusing her of intimidating voters and other unseemly stuff. Reality is relative.

Since politics is never personal, they promptly launched a campaign to get the word out - Wusta is under siege by the fascist tea party wingnuts. Nothing could be further from the truth. Politics makes people say and do stupid things. Just like money. A question of interpretation?

Meet activist Bonny Johnson, a graduate of Wusta's most liberal educational institution – Clark University (who could fault her for that), a social and civil organizer, an activist working with people to bring democracy to Wusta.

Meet activist Kevin Ksen, her adversary in the battle for our hearts and minds, the man who organized the unseating of D4 councilor Barbara “Chicken Coop" Haller, the guy who kept Kate Toomey from making an ass of us on Beacon Hill, but enabled progressive democrat (code for socialist) Mary "Karl Marx" Keefe to win the 15th. Oh woe is us. 

The point of the post. Ironic as is seems, both Ksen and Johnson strive for the same laudable democratic goals. We quote from Bonnie’s resume:  ... seek to activate residents in Worcester. 
  • Educating people about the community needs within Worcester.
  • Connecting people's passions to needs within the Worcester community.
  • Encouraging people to become poll workers.
  • Working to help citizens get on boards and commissions within Worcester.
  • Working with the Elections Commission to ensure that the voting rolls are updated and elections are "clean".
Pretty sure Ksen doesn't have an issue with any of that, being a progressive minded activist hell-bent on doing exactly what Bonnie Johnson wants to do - spread democracy. Again, its relative.

The sole difference between Ksen and Johnson is their political affiliation. They both want democracy. At least their respective versions of it. For that Wusta will have to pay.

Welcome to Wusta!