So how much did the locals give? Let's start with an overview. As of August 2012 a total of $252,400 exchanged hands. Serious money?
Of the 19 locally registered PAC's, they gave out a total of $37k to candidates and PAC's.
Interestingly, local PAC's contributed only $900 to the 15th race. Of that, Keefe got $750, Biancheria $150.

So who did the PAC's spend their money on? Well, their generosity extended to 89 candidates statewide ($28,874), other PAC's ($6,550), and unions ($2,057). The top 10 recipients is shown left.
Here's an interesting fact. The top 5 contributor groups - CTE's (Committee to Elect), PAC's, lawyers, retirees, and business owners - forked out $123k, or 49% of all donations.
More to come.
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