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Who's Feeding Worcester's PAC's

When it comes to paying for parking, the locals are mighty reluctant to fork out a measly quarter. But when it comes to political contributions, their generosity knows no limits. The data is based on persons and non-persons with a Worcester, MA address.

So how much did the locals give? Let's start with an overview. As of August 2012 a total of $252,400 exchanged hands. Serious money?

Of the 19 locally registered PAC's, they gave out a total of $37k to candidates and PAC's.
Interestingly, local PAC's contributed only $900 to the 15th race. Of that, Keefe got $750, Biancheria $150.

Um... doesn’t quite support the notion that PAC's are buying influence. But Wusta is not the only source of PAC money. Still money talks no matter where it comes from.  

So who did the PAC's spend their money on? Well, their generosity extended to 89 candidates statewide ($28,874), other PAC's ($6,550), and unions ($2,057). The top 10 recipients is shown left.

Here's an interesting fact. The top 5 contributor groups - CTE's (Committee to Elect), PAC's, lawyers, retirees, and business owners - forked out $123k, or 49% of all donations.

More to come. 

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