Why do the Stephen Buchalter types think running a cleaning business qualifies him for public office? What can Buchalter do that hasn’t already been done? Or for that matter ...
Whether or not you believe it, City Manager O’Brien has everything under control. Well almost. Except PILOT of course. Oh, and those rambunctious Holy Cross students.
So, to the matter at hand. A drum-roll please. Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce the new improved Councilor Kate Toomey.
Whoaaa... is that you Kate Toomey? You look different. Geez, didn’t recognize you. Okay, folks let’s give it up for the new improved Kate Toomey - she wants to be your next state rep. The packaging is new, wonder if the content is too?
Looks like ole Kate’s really pushing the new image, spending money like crazy, marketing the new improved Kate Toomey. Anyone see her promo materials? Snazzy stuff. Good concept. So, let’s see – there's an application. A resume - let's see, 6 years on the council, 6 on the school committee and that's all she can tout? But no references. No references, no job right? In politics, different rules. What about a CORI and a credit report? In the real world ...

Let's see. Um... lots of honors and awards. Where are the achievements, like created jobs, saved millions etc.
Wait! She did boost tax revenues. Voted twice to raise residential taxes - to the highest level in 10 years. Just like Joe O’Brien she reneged on her promise. Now she says those reckless days are over, she’s seen the light so no new taxes if she's a state rep. Sorta doubt it.
Na, not Kate, she likes gift giving - votes to unions. And why not, last year they gave her $1,100. This year a whopping $350. So for $1,450 she'll do their bidding. She's bought and paid for. Geez, what a racket. Or lack of ethics.
The facts are, like many a councilor - especially Rick Rushton, Councilor Kate has had little or any positive effect on the city as a whole. What has she done that benefited or improved the (residential) voters lives? Raised taxes! Gave every union what they wanted. Gave the EAW what they wanted. Gave businesses what they wanted. But not the taxpaying resident voters. Wait till she gets to Boston.
With all that experience, determination, and passion she now wants to abandon Worcester and move to Baconhill, focus her energies helping the folks of the 15th. Ya righttt....
All aboard, next bus leaving Union Station for Boston is on September 6th.