Interesting information at InCity Times has 79 employees. Um... didn't think her apartment was that big.
Which brings to the issue of InCity Time's webstats and circulation numbers. Over the last few weeks we posted about them in the hope that Rosalie Tirella would honestly answer the question. Nope. Wasn't to be. It was met with threats, insults, and assorted maniacal rants. Even played the lawyer card for good measure. Gotta ask, where’s the crime in asking a question? The real crime is not answering it.
So with all the huffing & puffing going on, we obviously hit a sore spot - circulation. Making us believe that InCity’s circulation is... small. Why is Rosalie so secretive? Wonder what businesses pay for ad space? We know what the council candidates paid - those prices are inflated of course. Imagine what she tells her advertisers what InCity's circulation is. Think we'll give her a call and pretend to be a potential customer to see if she mentions circulation.
Now assume for a minute InCity’s circulation is as high as Rosalie states - “in the thousands”, which we don’t doubt, but that needs to be qualified - like over the last 10 years. Think for a sec, if Rosalie had circulation numbers in the thousands, wouldn't she publicly tout them? But she ain’t, is she?
According to Rosalie Tirella herself, as published in InCity Times, she distributes to 12 locations, or was that 13, throughout Worcester. Not a whole lotta folks willing to handle InCity Times eh? So we did a road trip - we like road trips. Over the last 3 weeks we checked 6 different locations, we estimate that she distributes about 25 issues per location. Although one had 40, another 30. We figure, on average she distributes, say 350 issues bi-weekly. Let's be fair here - we'll round it up to 400 cause we really wanna believe her. Still rather thin eh? Not figuring in leftovers which we found at two locations each visit.
Wonder how many leftovers she has at her apartment – stacked to the ceiling probably.
Guess the f-bombs will be dropping soon.