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The Trials and Tribulations of Occupy Worcester and Mike Benedetti

Where are they? Been searching high and low. Where's Wusta's OWS camping out? Got a box of donuts to drop off.

So who would have thought, Occupy Worcester KO’d not by a mob of 1%-ers, but by a single person – a priest no less: The Rev. Robert Bachelder of the Worcester Area Mission Society, part of the liberal United Church of Christ, stopped them dead in their tracks, based on a misunderstanding. Allegedly his flock’s parking spaces were in peril. Yes, parking spaces.

I wonder if the reverend got 30 pieces of silver in exchange for handing over OWS? One of Jesus’ own selling out. Apparently biblical history does repeat itself. But I think there's more to it than just parking spots. Who knows. 

What strikes me as hypocritical is that an avowed disciple of Jesus Christ turned his back on a handful of youths and by extension, the most critical issue affecting our society today – the subjugation of the masses by the Wall St. cabal and their Washington henchmen.

So why did he do it? Someone forced him? His irate flock? The property owners, The New England Dream Center, an obscure non-profit housed in a former church on Chestnut Street, trying to snuff out OWS for ideological reasons? Wall Street's agents got to him? Who knows.

An aside here. I always get an strange feeling when I see the Dream Center’s vans, filled with kids, their apathetic expressions, listless eyes staring out into a void. Certainly not dreaming. Anyone know what the Dream Center does, except give away toys every Christmas? Like Bachelder's Mission Society is supposed to do. If the mission of the Worcester Area Mission Society is to help the homeless and inner-city youth, then why not our OWS. I’m being factious of course. Obviously they have other priorities - protecting parking spaces from filthy heathens. 

OWS has of course made for interesting news in our so called local media: The T&G cackled over its demise, WOMAG bemoaned a story, and InCity just plain missed the boat - preferring instead to  raise awareness about feral cats. Even Jordan Levy did a radio interview with an OWS participant – his contempt couldn’t have been more palatable. And local bible-thumper Mike Benedetti tried to transform it into a journalistic coup touting himself. He milked it for all he could - gave everyone the impression he was Occupy Worcester. As the spotlight dimmed, he pretended it never existed. Reminds me of Nicole Apostola's antics not too long ago: No spotlight. No Nicole. 

The question I have is, why didn’t power-Christian Mike Benedetti rally the enlightened Christian-bloggers to save Wusta's OWS? Not a soul stepped forward. Not a hand extended. Ironic that Mike Benedetti fills the Barnard Blogroll with Christian-blogs espousing their enlightened values, yet not one came forward, or even gave OWS lip-service. Not a peep. Geez… I wonder what Jesus would say?

Funny, why do I get the feeling that organized religion is part of the 1%? Well, considering their enormous financial wealth they have a vested interest in defending the status quo. So no Wall St. and no corrupt politicians means no church and no job.

Obviously Occupy Wusta needs to rethink its strategy - more marketing, more presence. Another incident like this could obliterate OWS.  

I'm sure spring will sprout a new improved OWS. And beware of false prophets.