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The Blogga Who Cried Wolf, B.A. Event Promotions

The fictitious Village of Piedmont, home of Paulie Collyer, is in the local news. Call Paulie at 617-625-2140.

Paulie "I admit that I do over use the term urban core" Collyer, Piedmont’s village idiot and head whiner of the Chandler St. Whiners Association, has another non-issue to moan about.

This time he's fixin his crosshairs on ole Stephen "why's he pickin on me" Patton (former city councilor and boss of Common Ground), another local bumpkin with no particular claim to fame except a nefarious plan to turn Paulie's hood into a dumping ground for dirt. Yes, dirt. Someone call the EPA quick!

We have to preface this post. Admittedly, we have a soft spot in our hearts for Paulie. We've often thought, where would Wusta be without Paulie? What would we write about? Sure, there are plenty of blogging fools around town but Paulie's in a league of his own.

To say the least, the Wonderland staff is ecstatic that Paulie is back in town. His 3-month nursing home hiatus left a noticeable gap in Wonderland's postings, which we promise to make up for in the coming weeks and months. We have no doubt that Paulie will supply us with enough antics to keep you entertained. 

So in the spirit of the late great local Abbie Hoffman (our kinda local boy), we officially support any and all actions (even if it's a non-issue) that rattle the cages of the council clowns, past and present, and their minions who run the asylum known as the City of Worcester.

As you know, here in Clown Town all it takes is a silly blog to make a name for oneself. Got a blog, rest assured WOMAG will track you down and make you a household name. Imagine being on the cover of WOMAG (a blogger’s dream come true) with a story about your pathetic life. Ya never know, it could lead to bigger things, like maybe a run for City Council. Stranger things have happened here.

But if ya got a beef about some guy dumping dirt in your hood, don’t expect a WOMAG story about it - they don't do journalism. That's better left to real journalists like at the InCity Times. WOMAG just purveys propaganda - glamorizing this gritty city and its wretched inhabitants to the point they become unrecognizable.

But there are other outlets where you can get your beef aired. Do it on your blog. But since no one reads em, that's a no go. Or maybe the T&G? Say ya got a beef with a neighbor (like in Paulie's case) and want to publicly crucify the SOB, then the T&G's Dianne Williamson is your gal. She'll turn your beef into everybody's business. Hopefully you got a thick skin cause the twits who populate the T&G comments section will give you a good razzing - even call for your blood. Fact is, folks around here wanna see blood. Look around. This town is littered with the carcasses do-gooders and do-baders (just made that up).

To be continued...