Admittedly, we have a place in our hearts for Rosalie Tirella because she makes us laugh with her ever popular silly rants, also cause for some serious head shaking among the locals. But not us! When ya really think about it, ranting is sublimely cathartic.
To say we’re not particularly partial to the local fringe population’s politics or issues, is an understatement. There's something unhealthy about a group of lost souls bemoaning everything from animal rights to transgender politics, or postulating never ending conspiracy theories. But we're cool with that dog adoption thing! The fact is, those folks are just plain weird. Heck, all of Wusta is weird. But in a nice way. Of course.
So here's what you came for, a peek at InCity's webstats. Ready? It’s not a pretty picture. Pretty embarrassing in fact: Only 195 visits in December. Down only a measly 91.09%. But still close to its 12-month average - ahem. I suppose we oughta thank Nicole "The Wicked Witch of Wusta" Apostola for that; she booted InCity off The Blogroll last month. Girls will be girls eh?
Of course you did notice that 76% of ICT's last months' traffic came from Kenya? How's that for a diverse readership? Heck, the T&G or WOMAG could never claim that. Nor would they want to.
Thinking... maybe if Rosalie opened up the comments on InCity she could get some local traffic. I'm sure the locals have a few things they'd like to share with her.
After all, the City that blogs together, stays together. Or sumptin like that.