So it' settled. No more Halloween for the Wills. It’s officially dead.
Being conscientious when it comes to food, or politically correct (unlikely), your pick, this year we decided to hand out Apples and Oranges. Guess what? We got a face full from the local terror tots demanding candy.
About a dozen of em tossed our gifts on the lawn. This morning I saw a few oranges & apples smashed along the street. I dutifully cleaned it up. Nice guy huh?
Although most of the folks were polite. We even got a compliment from a mother for being PC. But some dad got pretty pissed and harangued me, calling me a cheap SOB. Little did he know how true it is.
In particular we were really annoyed by the kids who wore no costume - usually older kids - who showed up holding a garbage bag. No blurting out Trick or Treat - just stood there and gave me a stupid look. After the 3rd or 4th kid I balked. Told em to get lost; get a costume and come back.
The deal breaker was a mother and daughter (cute pink piglet costume) team collecting for UNICEF or sumptin UN. Looked legit - had pamphlets. Thing is, she didn't ask, she demanded money. No smooth talking, just wanted me fork over some cash - no checks she said. No way, I said. She then mouthed off sumptin about kids in Ethiopia. I told her to go see Mayor Joe. I'm telling ya folks, lot of freaking attitude out there.
We've had it. No more sugar bombs for any kids. No more forking out $50 every year to feed a bunch of pimply fat kids with attitude. What for? I'd rather treat my kids to something nice than give it to a bunch of #@%&^s strangers.
The last couple years we’ve been gettin pretty annoyed by the kids, now it's the parents have become the problem. What is this country coming to?
So, that's it. No more Halloween at the Will's house!
Now if only Christmas would be canceled ;>