I've seen the FB's from folks I work with. I don't know them. I've seen some of the local's FBs too. Who are they? Poor souls.
Johanna Weiss columnist at the Boston Globe, put up this piece. Click pic.
Quote: Facebook is easy to love because it’s all about self-love, the ultimate online ego boost. Thanks to Facebook, a bunch of people now remember my birthday and comment about photos of my kids. Thanks to Facebook, it’s easy to spread news about life milestones. Thanks to Facebook, I skipped my high school reunion; I already knew everything I wanted to know.
But he’s right that, when we log onto Facebook, we’re buying into a collective illusion. Facebook, we all know, is a colossal waste of time. It’s easy to lose hours trolling through friends’ pages, being voyeurs into other people’s lives. And it’s easy to forget that they, like us, are inventing themselves online, creating a permanent record that isn’t really true.