I wonder how gullible Mayor Joe thinks the locals are? Hey cut my friend's taxes and you'll all be better off.
Putting into context the Mayor's Business Task Force recommendations. Who'll actually benefit from them? Not the local consumer. Not the unemployed local. Not the local renter. Rather a bunch of rinky-dink business folk and the less than honorable Mayor himself.
Assuming the BTF's proponents get any financial benefit i.e., cut in taxes say by $2,000, what will they do with that gain? Pass the savings on to you as a consumer, create jobs, or expand their business? How about none of the above? As I said, they're rinky-dink business folk.
The only people who'll benefit is Major Joe his cohorts. Mayor Joe'll get a hearty pat on the back, a donation and their eternal devotion. That is until they find another issue to whine about. Then they'll all fly to Florida for a bender. On Direct Air no less. No new jobs. No lower prices. No business expansion. Just Mayor smiling away in the Florida sunshine.
Here's a question worth asking yourself. What does Mayor Joe think of the citizens of Worcester? He thinks you're pretty gullible. If memory serves me correctly, in the run-up to lats year's election he wanted us to read his lips loud an clear. Well he in fact lied to get elected. Six months later he did an about face on taxes and he's backtracked on other promises. What next?
Should you trust Mayor Joseph C. O'Brien? No, not because he lied to you, because he doesn't know what he's doing. That's worse.
Bottom line: He's selling the locals a bill of goods that will do nothing to make their lives better. Our previous relevant post: Mayor Joe's Business Task Force Agenda Is A Sham. There's Proof It Ain't Gonna Work.
Here's some more proof:
Research from the Political Economy Research
Institute of UMass Amherst's Jeffrey Thompson in Prioritizing Approaches To Economic Development in New England: Skills, Infrastructure, And Tax Incentives says that tax cuts don't create jobs. Education and infrastructure projects do.
Along with the rest of the country, New England is beginning to pull out of the “Great Recession,” but the recovery is expected to be slow and uneven. With hundreds of thousands of workers having lost their jobs, tens of thousands of families having lost their homes, and the prospect of continued high rates of unemployment in the region for years to come, policy makers will continue to face pressure to create jobs and improve the economy.
The policies available to states are limited, both in their range and their potential to create large numbers of jobs, but there are options that can help create jobs and increase economic growth. The available evidence suggests that the most effective options for creating jobs, in the short- and long-term, are investing in infrastructure and building the skills of the current and future workforce. Tax cuts and business subsidies on the other hand, do little to create jobs in the short-run, and are not the most effective approaches to generating growth over the long-term.
Assuming the BTF's proponents get any financial benefit i.e., cut in taxes say by $2,000, what will they do with that gain? Pass the savings on to you as a consumer, create jobs, or expand their business? How about none of the above? As I said, they're rinky-dink business folk.
The only people who'll benefit is Major Joe his cohorts. Mayor Joe'll get a hearty pat on the back, a donation and their eternal devotion. That is until they find another issue to whine about. Then they'll all fly to Florida for a bender. On Direct Air no less. No new jobs. No lower prices. No business expansion. Just Mayor smiling away in the Florida sunshine.
Here's a question worth asking yourself. What does Mayor Joe think of the citizens of Worcester? He thinks you're pretty gullible. If memory serves me correctly, in the run-up to lats year's election he wanted us to read his lips loud an clear. Well he in fact lied to get elected. Six months later he did an about face on taxes and he's backtracked on other promises. What next?
Should you trust Mayor Joseph C. O'Brien? No, not because he lied to you, because he doesn't know what he's doing. That's worse.
Bottom line: He's selling the locals a bill of goods that will do nothing to make their lives better. Our previous relevant post: Mayor Joe's Business Task Force Agenda Is A Sham. There's Proof It Ain't Gonna Work.
Here's some more proof:
Research from the Political Economy Research
Along with the rest of the country, New England is beginning to pull out of the “Great Recession,” but the recovery is expected to be slow and uneven. With hundreds of thousands of workers having lost their jobs, tens of thousands of families having lost their homes, and the prospect of continued high rates of unemployment in the region for years to come, policy makers will continue to face pressure to create jobs and improve the economy.
The policies available to states are limited, both in their range and their potential to create large numbers of jobs, but there are options that can help create jobs and increase economic growth. The available evidence suggests that the most effective options for creating jobs, in the short- and long-term, are investing in infrastructure and building the skills of the current and future workforce. Tax cuts and business subsidies on the other hand, do little to create jobs in the short-run, and are not the most effective approaches to generating growth over the long-term.