Being part of the electorate and being heard by the political machine is the hardest aspect of living in our form of democracy. That annoying Freedom of Speech thing gets tested on many levels. Most often when a voter/taxpayer has a visceral reaction to a politician’s stupid comment or lack of action. Although we still have the right to criticize them, that doesn’t guarantee they'll post a response. In the world of bogging, there’s a whole different set of rules, the primary rule see on evil, speak no evil...
Commenting to bloggers about their foolishness, naiveté, or stupidity doesn’t go over well around here. It’s usually taken as a personal affront and the dastardly perpetrator is designated a flamer, troll or asshole. I suspect I'm in all categories. C'est la Vie!
Is having a contrary opinion such a bad thing? One school of thought say’s its healthy for the proper functioning of a democracy. The other says it’s just downright “inappropriate" - whatever that may mean. In the surreal world of Worcester bloggers something akin to despotism rules - that’s where I have a problem.
Among its politicians Worcester has a time honored tradition of flipping off the electorate. Sorta “inappropriate” for a bunch of democrats who espouse democratic principles but seldom practice them. And then there's the Worcester School Committee and its freshman member, Tracy Novick. Not sure what party she belongs to, but I guess it's some fringe group.
We've been reading her anonymous blog Whos of Who-cester since she joined the school committee. For parents, its a must read. If not for the content, but for the grammatical style - or lack of. Before I go further, does anybody know what that blog title means? That’s an issue I have with Tracy, she’s so… nebulous - a blog that resembles a jumble of inchoate and grammatically incorrect snippets about anything education. One expects more from a MA in English - clarity, organization, and relevance - instead of befuddlement
Recently she posted a comment - unusually snide for Novick - about the millions in sale proceeds from the airport not being handed over to the education mafia on Irving St. - deriding the city for having the wrong priorities. How u t t e r l y naïve. Tracy Novick doesn’t get the big picture, and probably doesn't care. You may have noticed that we're in the midst of a recession - taxpayers are financially strapped - some nearly bankrupt, and many are at wits end. If anyone's priorities are misplaced, it's hers. That's what I posted on her blog.
She responded, decrying (tinged with a wee bit of sarcasm) my lack of advocacy? Puhleese... advocate is not something I aspire to - I got a life. In fact I would even go so far as to question her motives. But if I were to choose an issue to advocate, then it would be the toppling of unions in the Worcester School Department. In fact all unions.
Not one to shirk an argument, I eagerly responded - expecting a debate - not what I got...
To be continued...