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College Degree Density - Why Doesn't Worcester Rank?

Interesting article in The Atlantic, The Density of Smart People. Make sure you read the comments too.

I looked and looked and didn't see Worcester on the list. How's that possible? Click chart to enlarge.

With 12 schools of higher education, including 8 colleges and universities with about 28,000 students and no ranking? With about 7,000 degrees issued annually. What's going on? Does Wusta have a bad case of BO?

Why hasn't The Worcester Consortium, the propaganda arm of the local educational mafia explained this phenomena? I have a theory, but it's long-winded and most of you have short attention spans.

And what about the WRRB? Well, it’s not in their purview. Their team of one is focused on embellishing the economic effects of lower tax rates on the economic viability of a down-in-the-dumps-post-industrial-era-city whose better days are long, long gone. And it don't look like they're coming back.

How come we ain’t got any smart people?  So why isn't Wusta a thriving hotbed of high-tech companies and think tanks?

I'd love to delve into explaining the dynamics of education, mobility, and lifestyle on a central Massachusetts backwoods town, but I ain't got any time today. Anyone wanna step up?