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City Life - Worcester?

Worcester has no drawing power? Come now, we got the Hanover!

In any case, no surprise there. Read the T&G business section, stories galore of businesses and entrepreneurs bypassing our little metropol. So this shouldn't have come as a surprise.

Raises lots of equations: Is Wusta provincial? Is Wusta that boring? City council scared them off? High taxes? The salary is a joke? Maybe they read the T&G? That alone is enough to scare any new comers. But seriously, why didn't city hall groom someone? We'll never know.

Ya know. There's the possibility of asking Bill Randell, aka Billy the Blogger. He once sat on the South Worcester Neighborhood Center BOD until he was ejected for violation of fiduciary duty - used the seat to scope out cheap properties to build his slum empire. Got caught red handed. Nasty fellow huh?

Ironically he claims to have instilled fiscal responsibility in the SWNC (sounds like a leap), he maintains he recommended an auditor. We could not confirm Bill's statement, like most of what he says. But heck, that should qualify him for the city job. Oh, and he's a CEO too - for a package store. Great credentials!

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