The T&G reported the facts, but somehow its commenters are calling it another city hall fiasco – waste of tax dollars. Geez... how uninformed. It’s corporate sponsored. Typical Wusta eh?
WOMAG has nothing to offer. Same for Go Local.
Wonder what the bloggers are saying. Nothing as usual. Nicole has a post. She writes: down with the WBDC, stay away from our parking lot. Bill Randell isn’t clear what’s going on but he smells an opportunity to sponsor the Oval. Bill Randell the philanthropist to offset his reputation as a local slumlord.
Wonder what local news maven Rosalie Tirella of InCity Times has to say? As usual, nothing of importance. She’s, of course, against anything the capitalist swines at the WBDC propose. In fact, anyone who wants to improve our city. She likes it just the way it is, so she ripped into WBDC president Dave Forsberg as the big bad wolf - destroying downtown for greed's sake. News flash Rosie! Forsberg retired 7 months ago. Geez, is she an idiot or what?
Wusta’s wackiest bloggers (Nicole Apostola & Bill Randell) are discussing (discussing is perhaps too intellectual a word for their online exchanges) the merits of skating rinks in downtown Wusta - the WBDC’s ice rink building proposal next to the library and the the Common Skating Oval behind City Hall. What they haven't addressed: Who needs a skating rink in downtown Wusta at all? Only poor folk live there, they don't own ice skates. But it's not intended for them anyway - for the colleges.
Bill Randell and Nicole Apostola, two diametrically opposed mentalities, yet they come together in this instance - how cute. Maybe there is hope for us after all?
Bill who doesn’t live in Worcester (too dirty and gritty for his wife) is a radical teapartier and financial supporter of the local Republican white supremacist group - Activate Worcester. And all around whiner. Nicole is a local progressive (code for subversive) and member of Wustas’s freak fringe – the folks who live in the woods outside the city and come into town on council nights to raise a ruckus.
So what are they saying? Just babbling of course. Neither understands the politics of economic development in Worcester – developers have the upper hand in all negotiations. The city is desperate for investment, it'll take all comers. Of course citizen input is officially solicited, but unofficially discounted. But Nicole & cohorts are determined to stop the WBDC by posting misinformation.
Bill just wants to become a corporate sponsor (he's CEO of a single package store) for the Skating Oval and get his BudLite banner with his picture hung on the back of city hall to raise his public profile and show his daughter Vangella. Now that’s a legacy if ever there was one.
Rest assured neither will get their way. The good folks at the city’s Office of Economic Development have everything under control – keeping the riffraff (Bill) from mucking up our downtown and keeping Nicole & cohorts from interfering in economic development - it's none of their business.
Here’s a thought. Maybe Bill Randell should just forget sponsorship and donate the money to the T&G Santa.
And as for Nicole, she should stick to what she knows - shopping. And donate to the T&G Santa too.
Welcome to Wusta!