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It's Webstats Time Again! InCity Times Games The Stats

Okay kids, we're ready for another round of look at those freakin stats will ya! Any questions before we start? None, um... okay, so let's press on. We got a lot of stuff to cover today. Oh, wanna thank the folks at for the stats.

In our last post we made a couple revealing and telling discoveries - WOMAG is sucking wind big time and InCity Times is effectively dead, a non-entity in Wusta's sparse media landscape.

WTAG and WCRN are competing for local dominance of the populous’ ear. Looks like WTAG is winning. But not really, got a heck of a boost from that iheart link – boosted their stats like 100%. Poor WCRN, not even Gary Rosen and that other guy can save em.

And ole T&G is still raking in the pageviews. Well maybe not for long. They’re closing up shop on Franklin St.; pulled down the clock recently. Soon they’ll be no one left downtown except the winos populating The Common. Folks, what the heck did we do to deserve this? This place is truly cursed.

Take a look at the graph, InCity Times popped last month. Highly unusual, don't you think? After eons of really shitty stats, suddenly it pops? Um... sumptin stinks.

There's an explanation for that and I’m surprised that Rosalie Tirella would pull that stunt – she’s  gaming the stats. She's pumping em up by clicking on her home page. Now really Rosalie - that's raw. But hey, gotta do, what ya gotta do to keep up pretenses. Ask WOMAG.

And yes, WOMAG’s still in the doldrums – still barely alive. Management can't pull it out of the quicksand. What are they doing wrong? Um… just about everything. So no need to rake the peons over the coals. Pretty sure they’re getting an earful from management – think people! How do we boost
our exposure!  You Jeremy Skulkin, go out there and talk to the locals – find a freaking story that’ll get us recognition instead of ridicule – make us look like professionals. And remember, double check your damn facts. And you there, what's your name? No you. Go find some local nobodies who got issues. Get some gritty stuff. What about to those two buffoons? Talk to that  Bill Randell guy, he's a real whiner - maybe he needs a shoulder to cry on? What about his fat whiny buddy? Talk to em. Now!

This post we tossed in everybody's favorite TV station - WCCA. Liberal Worcester's joke on us all. Imagine, your million dollars a year keeps that farce alive. What did we do to deserve that?

So, that’s it for this month. Hope you had fun.

It's been a real eye-opener eh?