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Flogging The Blogger - Your Chance To Talk Back.

There is one thing I have to say about blogging, there is no such thing as free speech. Your constitutional rights do not extend into someone's blog. I have experienced on many an occasion the wrath of individuals who feel they have a right to be heard here. You don't, but I do make a lot of exceptions.

Because I'm an open-minded sorta guy, I thought I'd finally fulfill an obligation to my readers and fellow bloggers by letting them express their views and opinions in a public forum; sorta see what the locals are thinking. Ya know this isn't all about me. It's about you!

The one subject I have near and dear to my heart is our beloved city and the good folk who populate this cultural mecca. Over the last two years I have witnessed the comings and goings of a quite a few bloggers. (A moment of silence please for Big Asshole. May he rest in peace). Which raises this point. Why do we have so few bloggers in a city of 175 thousand? We're stuck with a handful of narcissistic nincompoops who think their posts and opinions are somehow interesting and relevant. There is one blogger who epitomizes the worst of blogging in this city and that is our very own local yokel Paul "I'm a shaker & mover in this here town" Collyer, aka Paulie's Point of View.

With regards to fairness and impartiality, I have to say I have nothing personal against Mr. Collyer. He has his opinions, albeit pretty lame ones, but I do respect his right to express them. In fact Mr. Collyer is welcome to express them here.

And without further adieu, I christen this Flogging The Blogger - Your Chance to Talk Back. Dedicated to all bloggers and readers who are amused and bemused by the inane content of our local blogs.

This blog has been approved by the American Society of Disenfranchised Bloggers.